Saturday, October 13, 2007

Seven days, Seven states

Well, we’ve been out for a week and we’re quickly getting our road legs. We wish you could be here with us, but since you can’t, we hope that reading this blog will give all of you a sense of “you were there.” For those of you new to the blogosphere, you can click on the word ‘comments’ below this post and write back to us.


Bonney said...

Great tunes!! Sounds like you are off to a great start. Would you send messages to our home account, so Kieran can read them, too? He's been waiting to hear from you.

Jack said...

Watch your language - Meandering does not equal seven states in seven days. The blog is a great idea keep it up!

Jack said...

The Jay Feather flying through the countryside and staying at the Flying J as a first stop - chance or divine intervention of the mudflaps?

Unknown said...

Hey, Yaw'll! Great idea having the blog. Good to hear Molly's having as much fun as you are. Keep on keepin' on!